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| Karen Hamel

How will the new Infrastructure Bill impact your facility’s operations? Webinar

How will the new Infrastructure Bill impact your facility’s operations? Webinar

Provisions in the recently passed Infrastructure Bill and several ongoing EPA National Compliance Initiatives focus on preventing pollution from industrial activities. With new funding for pollution prevention programs and targeted focuses on both significant and potential violators, enforcement efforts -including notice of violations and fines – are on the rise.

Rubber-stamping your decades-old compliance plans and declaring them “updated” may not stand the test of time. Everything from SWPPPs to General Duty Clause plans may need more than a token glance.

Learning Objectives

  • Summarize the provisions in the 2021 Infrastructure Bill that could impact your facility’s operations

  • Recognize the need to identify hazards presented by accidental releases

  • Review components of EPA’s P2 program

  • Prepare for Stormwater inspections by updating your SWPPP with innovative BMPs

Meet the Instructor

Karen D. Hamel, CSP, CIT, WACH Karen is a regulatory expert and trainer with more than 26 years of experience helping EHS professionals find solutions to meet regulations and industry standards.


  • Certified Safety Professional (CSP) 

  • Certified Instructional Trainer (CIT)

  • Walkway Auditor Certificate Holder (WACH) 

  • OSHA-Authorized Outreach Trainer for General Industry 

  • Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Trainer and Hazmat Technician

Additional Resources

Infrastructure Bill Webinar

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