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| Karen Hamel

Improve Your Team’s Spill Response Skills in 2 Minutes

Improve Your Team’s Spill Response Skills in 2 Minutes

Spills don’t happen every day. But, when they do, the chances are good that frontline employees will be the first to spot them – not the local hazmat team or a spill response contractor.

Most frontline employees only hear about spill response once a year during refresher training. That’s why we created 2-Minute Spill Response Drills.

What are 2-Minute Drills?

Whether front line workers need a brief recap of which type of absorbent to use, a quick review of the NIMS framework, details on how to decontaminate an area after a spill, or anything in between – we’ve broken spill response essentials into easy-to-digest, 2-minute chunks.

Stormwater Pollutants Webinar

The microlearning format allows each two-minute class to be utilized to:

  • Fill specific skill and knowledge gaps
  • Supplement toolbox safety talks
  • Instruct learners anytime, anywhere – even during a spill event!

Spill Response Topics

Our 2-Minute Spill Drills will cover a wide array of spill response topics including:

  • Spill Cleanup Tactics
  • Hazard Identification
  • Site Safety
  • Physical Hazards
  • Health Hazards
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Incident Command System (ICS) and National Incident Management System (NIMS)

New Spill Response Training Topics Each Month

New topics will be added each month for each student to learn or refresh key spill response skills and help them to be better prepared to respond to incidental spills in and around the facility. View only the lessons you need, or complete each group of lessons to earn a certificate showing your progress and participation.
Register now, and we’ll send you a monthly reminder when each new group of lessons becomes available. So whether you’ve never responded to a spill or done it a hundred times and are looking for a way to make the job easier, we’ve got something for you.
Ready to Get Started?

Ready to Get Started?

Looking to learn a new spill response skill? Our Two-Minute Drills can help! Sign up now. It's free to enroll.