Spilltration® Oil Sheen Fence: SPL115


40” x 600’, 1 roll

Filter out emulsified and sheen oil and protect sensitive areas above and below the water’s surface with Spilltration®
Oil Sheen Fence.



Made in the USA

Made in the USA

Filters Oil from Water

Filters Oil from Water

*Not available for online ordering. Call 814-822-2004 to order.



Oil Sheen Fence is designed to filter a broad range of petroleum contaminants, while allowing clean water to pass through.

  • Highly effective on a broad range of emulsified and sheen oils.
  • Filters out hidden subsurface contaminants.
  • Strong enough to withstand currents, tides and rain events.
  • Safe for use in both fresh and saltwater.
  • Easy to transport, install and maintain.
  • Great for protecting sensitive areas from contamination.

Product Specifications

Product Specifications

Fluids Absorbed:  Oils, Fuels & Other Petroleum Products – Filters Water

Dimensions:  40”W x 600’L

Sold as:  1 roll

Weight:  78 lbs./roll

Grab Tensile MD:  157 lbs.

Grab Tensile CD:  119 lbs.

Recycled Content:  No

UV Resistant:  Yes

Compliance and Regulations

Compliance and Regulations

  • DO NOT use with acids, basis or other caustic liquids.
  • Dispose of used product in compliance with local, state & federal regulations

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