HalenHardy Hits the Road
The HalenHardy Team hits the road to provide installation and training for dozens of Substation Spill Kits.
During the pandemic, our customers are being asked to do more with less. Couple that with constrained delivery logistics and an aging workforce, and you may find yourself short-handed.
Over the past two years, more and more of our clients have asked us to help streamline and expedite their environmental operations….not just sell them spill kits and sediment control products. So we started our “Road Warriors Service & Delivery Branch” of HalenHardy.
HalenHardy Service & Delivery Branch
Our services include:
Hot Shotting emergency spill materials to large transformer explosions
Installing and maintaining storm drain sediment & sheen filters
Servicing oil-water separators
Building & maintaining secondary containment Drainiac oil filter valve systems

HalenHardy team members Pat Healy and Terry McCall.
Meet the Road Warriors
Hat’s off to HalenHardy team members Pat Healy and Terry McCall. They braved a late December snow and ice storm to provide training and installation to a Baltimore area customer.
Pat Healy, HalenHardy R&D, is a 30-year oil leak and spill veteran. Terry McCall is a HalenHardy Client Representative with over 17 years of experience in the oil response industry.
When you need it done right. On time. On budget.
Give us a call at 814-822-2004.