NPDES Construction General Permit Webinar
NPDES Construction General Permit Webinar
Learn how changes to the 2022 NPDES Construction General Permit (CGP) may affect your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Every five years, the EPA reissues the NPDES Construction General Permit. As part of the process, they review the current permit and propose changes to clarify terms in the existing rule. They also consider new technologies and pollution prevention control measures to add to the permit to better protect our nation’s waters.
As operators renew permits or submit new Notice of Intentions prior to beginning new construction, changes to the CGP may necessitate tweaks to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans such as improving spill preparedness supplies and training personnel who conduct inspections.
Learning Objectives
Determine the applicability of EPA’s Construction General Permit to your organization
Review the clarifications EPA has established for the new permit cycle
Evaluate your site’s perimeter controls to see if they will meet the new criteria
Identify the updated storage requirements for chemicals kept onsite
- Prepare to update training for site personnel who conduct inspections
Meet the Presenters

Karen D. Hamel, CSP, CIT, WACH
Karen is a regulatory expert and trainer with more than 26 years of experience helping EHS professionals find solutions to meet regulations and industry standards. Read More →

Luke Owen
Luke is a United States Marine Corps veteran and founder of the NPDES Stormwater Training Institute. He is passionate about maintaining and improving America’s water quality and creating a balance between economic development and water quality protection.
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