Secret #3: Oil Breaks Through White Spill Sheets
When a mere teaspoon of dripping oil hits on a single spot of a white spill sheet, it begins to saturate the sheet at that location. Lab tests reveal that up 70% of dripping oil runs through the sheet and pollutes the ground beneath.
As a consumer, when we hear about a “breakthrough,” we typically think it’s a good thing. Most of the products that have changed our lives have been considered breakthroughs. They can be scientific inventions or revolutionary new ideas. They can cure diseases or reduce pollution and waste.
But if you are using a white polypropylene spill sheet to contain an outdoor oil drip, “breakthrough” is a bad thing. And unfortunately, this type of breakthrough creates additional pollution and waste.

White oil spill sheets are not designed for outdoor oil leaks.
White spill sheets are made of polypropylene, which is not ideal for either persistent oil leaks or outdoor use. The polypropylene breaks down quickly in sunlight, and rain renders them almost entirely ineffective.
Studies show that after only 30 drops of oil have fallen on a white oil sheet, the point of impact has become saturated. After saturation, nearly 70% of the oil that continues to drip will run through the white sheet and into the ground.
Consider a leak that dripped one drop of oil per minute. After just one day, the amount of oil that broke through the white sheet is enough to pollute 13,277 gallons of groundwater.
Set it. Forget it.™
By contrast, if you placed a Husky PolyBack Oil Drip Filter Pan under that same leak, you could leave it there for three months and still have NO oil breakthrough. And, Husky Pans won’t degrade in UV sunlight.
The manufacturers of white oil spill sheets want you to believe they are helping you save the environment. But their products don’t work for persistent outdoor oil leaks and drips. Fortunately, there’s a better way.
Spilltration Husky PolyBack Oil Drip Filter Pans provide a better option for those looking to keep oil pollution out of our groundwater. Best of all, the Husky Pan helps you automatically control pesky outdoor oil leaks and drips in the rain or sun.
“I love the fact that I can just set the Husky Pan under a nagging drip and forget it. I’ve had one in place for six months under a persistent leak and I’ve only had to change out the liner pads once. I figure my cost is about 14 cents a day. Awesome.”